Tuesday 21 June 2011

Hot deals and discount vouchers for business - Blue Square Deals

Hot deals and discount vouchers for business - Blue Square Deals

Launching in July, this website will be the premier business to business marketplace, showcasing top quality products and services from across the UK.

Its intention is to attract thousands of business buyers across the UK through unbelievable value and exclusive deals not found elsewhere. Every part of this business deals website is being designed to offer amazing value to buyers and real, tangible results to sellers.

Other deals and discount voucher companies have made a mistake of allowing unlimited deals to be sold. This has resulted in too many deals being sold with the seller having no option but to lower their quality to cope with the extreme demand. Instead of retaining the new customers for the long term, the customers turn away thinking that they have been sold a bad deal.

Blue Square Deals has an attractive solution that would solve this over-selling problem and maintain a very high level of quality at the same time. They will limit the number of deals available for sale, to a level that the company can cope with while being able to maintain a very high level of quality. After all, offering a deal is only useful if there is a good return on the investment. The companies will aim to please every customer by offering a top quality service or very high quality products without being over stretched. The companies will then be able to retain these customers and also benefit from further referrals.

Visit their site to see what they are about, and to hear about the new business to business deals and discounts, as they are booked and become available.

Blue Square Deals is also giving away a further 10% discount to every new subscriber before their launch. Don't miss this opportunity, go to www.bluesquaredeals.co.uk now.

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