Sunday 4 December 2011

If you have just spent full price on a purchase for your business, then please don’t read this.

It will break your heart!

Save up to 50% on discounted products and services for business

Businesses from all different industry sectors will be offering top quality, but significantly discounted products and services aimed at the business market. New business-to-business deals website, Blue Square Deals, will be hosting the range of heavily discounted business deals, from the most commonly used stationery items to specialist software and consultancy, and everywhere in between, across a wide range of industry types.

Exclusive email notifications
The subscription to Blue Square Deals is free and provides exclusive email notifications about recently activated deals, as well as previews of all the upcoming deals. This is the key to securing one of the deals, which are all limited by quantity, such as only a handful of tickets for a Cocktail Evening with Richard Branson, which are being sold at a 50% discount.
business deal: Richard Branson Cocktail Evening
Cocktail Evening with Richard Branson

Limited by quantity
All the deals are strictly limited in quantity and when they are gone…they are gone. We’re expecting these business deals to generate quite a buzz in the business to business marketplace, and buyers are going to have to be quick to bag a deal. Businesses are going to save a fortune on these deals which is the perfect antidote to hard economic times.

A typical example of a business deal limited by quantity is the recruitment job board deal currently active:
business deal: Easy Online Recruitment Job Board Deal
Recruitment Job Board Bundle

A popular marketplace
Following on from the recent success of consumer focused deal sites, Blue Square Deals is already proving very popular with companies that have business focused products and services. Many businesses have already visited the site,, to be the first to offer their deals within their respective industry sectors, in the hope of attracting many new customers.

Guaranteed marketing
In a struggling economy, businesses are often faced with a paradox: how do they attract new customers while needing to cope with spending cuts? It's the ideal marketplace in which both can be achieved. Business buyers can manage tighter spending budgets by picking up remarkably low priced products and services, while offering their own deals to gain new customers. Blue Square Deals provides a guaranteed marketing avenue where marketing fees are based on guaranteed results. This means if there are no results, then there are no fees.

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