Monday 5 March 2012

Preparing for the Business 2012 Exhibition (18th - 20th March)

In less than 2 weeks (18th - 20th March to be exact...) the London O2 will form host to one of the largest and most exciting business shows in the UK this year: the Business 2012. Blue Square Deals will be in the thick of things, among the 200 exhibitors, 360 Seminars and 200 workshops during the 3 days, and we hope expect to see you there.

Why? Because this is going to be the biggest event you can go to this year. The excitement, opportunities, networks and deals will only be at the London O2 for 3 days. To cater for all excuses, the first day is a Sunday, which means that if you unfortunately can't make it during the week, then there is always the weekend.

Joking aside, this is billed to be the best and biggest business show of the year.

Visitors and Keynote Speakers

Unbelievably, the organisers are preparing for up to 40,000 visitors! That says it all. So many people have already committed to this show that it is seen as the business event of the year. One of the main attractions are the keynote speakers: Sir Richard Branson, Lord Sugar and Cherie Blair. What a line up! How can you miss that?

Our Seminar

I will also be hosting a seminar on 'Advanced Value-Added Marketing', (Sunday 18th March, 13h30, Seminar hall 11), please put a note in your calendar. I will be giving you extreme value on advanced marketing strategies that are transforming businesses. You will want to take notes, as there is so much to cover and there is so much I want to cram in! Don't miss it.

Promote yourself at our stand (A36)

We are opening our stand to you, the visitor, so that you can promote your current business deals and offers, free of charge, to 40,000 visitors to the show. You can also view all the other offers that people have added. As an added benefit, all the offers will be scanned and uploaded onto our website until the end of April, so your promotion will continue for over a month.

VIP Ticket to the show

If you have not yet reserved your ticket, it would be a shame for you to miss the benefits on offer with this ticket.

  • VIP Priority Queue at entrance
  • VIP Priority seating for the keynote speakers
  • £100 to spend at any workshop over the 3 days
  • Blak Pearl 'Business 2012 Toolkit'
All this for just £17. You would be nuts to miss it! (I would buy it just to miss the queues!)

See you at our stand (A36) during the show. Come and introduce yourself, promote your company and see if any of the other offers take your fancy!

Best Regards


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