Tuesday 3 April 2012

Resounding Success at Business 2012

We had a tremendous 3 days at the show, and, despite the cold draft blowing right past our noses, we seemed to be becoming more and more popular as the show went on. On reflection, I would like to thank everyone who endured the shock of my cold handshake. Being confined to a 3x3m cubicle in 6 degrees Celsius meant that my circulation was practically non-existent, resulting in a swift and dramatic heat transfer from all I came into contact with.

I can only apologise on behalf of the organisers and the weather. Both could have been better...

However, our desire to help all the visitors by giving them an advertising board to display their own services, products, wants and needs went down very well indeed...especially since it was totally free and therefore very inviting.

The Wall Of Deals - immediate success story

This was undoubtedly a great success and the super feedback that we had from the visitors that returned each day was truly heart-warming. Joyce MacMillan was one of them, and was a absolute gem. She was so excited to have received 2 leads after the first night of her advert being on our board, that she spent most of the following day directing other people to our stand to do the same and benefit too.

Joyce MacMillan - Business Funding Expert

About Joyce

Joyce has been advising businesses in a small way for a number of years now, but has only just started to take her level of experience and expertise seriously enough to offer this as a service to other companies. After just 2 minutes of speaking with her, it was clear that Joyce new of so many more methods of gaining various forms of investment for a new or existing company than I even thought possible.

If you have been looking to raise some funding for your business, or even if you feel that you may have exhausted all avenues, then I urge you to book an appointment with Joyce. It will be well worth it!

Note: Keep an eye out for her successful advert on our Business 2012 - Wall Of Deals as they are uploaded from the beginning of April. Her contact details will be on the advert.

As a thank-you and also to celebrate her new, but well-deserved success, we bought her a bottle of bubbly.

The Large Post-It Note

The VERY bright green, orange, yellow and pink post-it notes were well received and well used. We were particularly delighted that over 150 visitors posted their adverts on our walls. The large post-it notes proved just right for most people, even though some with spacial awareness issues needed multiple tries to fit their info onto the page.

As a promise to all of those who took the time to write an advert, over the next few days, we will be uploading a scanned replica of the post-it, giving each a highlight in a series of emails to our subscribers. We simply hope that this will help these businesses attract new customers and we would have done our little bit to help.


If you were at the show, then I would be thrilled to hear from you. Please leave us a comment here, or drop us an email. I would particularly love to hear from you if you receive any leads from this.

If you know of any people who may benefit from these adverts, then please share them, like them, tweet about them, or just like them. Please do your bit to spread the news. After all, the more people know about these adverts, the greater the benefit would be for everyone.

Until next time,
look after yourself and take care

Neil de Villiers

ps: If you have a business focused product or service, and would like to market specifically to that audience, then please submit a deal request on our website, and we will work with you create a B2B deal that will attract new customers.

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