Thursday 4 October 2012

What do President Clinton, Ruby Wax and Bruce Dickinson have in common?

What do former president Bill Clinton, comedienne Ruby Wax and Iron Maiden front man, Bruce Dickinson all have in common? They are all highly respected, very popular, and extremely successful in their respective fields, but they are also some of the most sought after speakers in the business world. During November 2012, they will all be gathering in London to address an eagerly awaiting crowd of business leaders and entrepreneurs at the Entrepreneurs 2012 Conference.

President Bill Clinton

Following his prosperous years in office as the US president during the 90's, President Bill Clinton still continues to enjoy enormous popularity around the world. 

His prowess as a speaker has gained him legendary status. Now, often quoted as being one of the best speech-makers of our time, his influence carries significant weight wherever he goes.  

Since he left the Whitehouse in 2001, he has initiated the global charity, The Clinton Foundation. Its purpose is to implement sustainable programs that improve access worldwide to investment, opportunity, and lifesaving services now and for future generations. Working in diverse geographic regions and responding to local needs, the initiatives of the Foundation address targeted challenges in the Foundation’s key areas of focus: economic empowerment, education, environment and energy, health systems, and nutrition.

Bruce Dickinson

So much more than just the lead vocalist for heavy metal band, Iron Maiden, Bruce is also a song writer, an airline pilot, a fencer, a broadcaster, an author, a screenwriter, an actor, a former marketing director and entrepreneur!

Once you catch your breathe from all that and take a step back, you will see that one of the defining factors of Bruce Dickinson, is his continual success.

At the Entrepreneurs 2012 Conference, Bruce Dickinson will bring a style and humour all of his own when it comes to talking about his past career so you can expect an entertaining period when he comes to speak at this event.

The message he is set to deliver, is, however, a very serious one and Bruce will link in all the various successes he has achieved and show how diversification can work for any new entrepreneur.

Ruby Wax

The unmistakable appearance and unique interviewing technique boosted Ruby’s career on British TV to international stardom. 

It really took off in her show, Ruby Wax Meets, where she has produced some unforgettable moments in TV history. 

Comic Relief has also benefited substantially from Ruby's staunch support over the years.

As with Bruce, Ruby Wax highlights just how diversification can assist anyone with a strong personality to succeed in the world of business. 

In 2002, her memoirs entitled ‘How Do You Want Me’ was released as an truly honest account and was met with great success. 

As a result of the fantastic response to her 2010 stand up show called ‘Losing it’, Ruby founded her own successful mental health website. She then gained her MSc in Psychotherapy which she is now putting to great use in the business world.

Currently, Ruby runs corporate communication workshops where business leaders develop skills that can help on a deeper level of communication, with both clients and members of staff. While these workshops include a large helping of Ruby’s own humour, she combines this with tangible scientific theory to achieve real results. 

The Entrepreneurs 2012 Conference

Tickets are currently available for the conference (13th - 16th November) directly from the Entrepreneurs 2012 website, or there are discounted standard tickets (normal price £120) available for £17 from Blue Square Deals, the UK's B2B Deals site.

See you there!

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